Streams can make modifying collections trivial. They are used to apply operations to the list itself or each index. Be careful when chaining multiple operations together as this can make code difficult to read.
//a simple program to demonstrate the use of stream in java
import java.util.*;
public class Stream_ {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create a list of integers
List<Integer> number = Arrays.asList(2,3,4,5);
// demonstration of map method
List<Integer> square = -> x*x).
System.out.println(square); // [4, 9, 16, 25]
// create a list of String
List<String> names =
// demonstration of filter method
List<String> result =>s.startsWith("S")).
System.out.println(result); // [Stream]
// demonstration of sorted method
List<String> show =;
System.out.println(show); // [Collection, Reflection, Stream]
// create a list of integers
List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(2,3,4,5,2);
// collect method returns a set
Set<Integer> squareSet =>x*x).collect(Collectors.toSet());
System.out.println(squareSet); // [16, 4, 9, 25]
// demonstration of forEach method>x*x).forEach(y->System.out.println(y)); // 4
// 9
// 16
// 25
// demonstration of reduce method
int even =>x%2==0).reduce(0,(ans,i)-> ans+i); // Sum of even
int evenbetter =>x%2==0).reduce(0, Integer::sum);
System.out.println(even); // 6
System.out.println(evenbetter); // 6
public static void interfaces() {
new ArrayList<>().stream().allMatch(null); // returns true if ALL elements match the predicate
new ArrayList<>().stream().anyMatch(null); // return true if ANY elements match the predicate
Stream.builder(); // This allows the creation of a Stream by generating elements individually and adding them to the Builder (without the copying overhead that comes from using an ArrayList as a temporary buffer.)
new ArrayList<>().stream().collect(null); // performs mutable reduction using the collector
new ArrayList<>().stream().collect(null, null, null); // preforms mutable reduction on the stream
Stream.concat(null, null); // combine stream a and b (a is followed by b)
new ArrayList<>().stream().count(); // number of elements in stream
new ArrayList<>().stream().distinct(); // returns stream of unique elements
Stream.empty(); // empty stream
new ArrayList<>().stream().filter(null); // stream with elements that match the predicate
new ArrayList<>().stream().findAny(); // random object of the first element of the stream
new ArrayList<>().stream().findFirst(); // an object of the first element of the stream
new ArrayList<>().stream().flatMap(null); // maps a stream using provided mapper /*Stream of every line in a file*/.flatMap(line -> Stream.of(line.split(" +")))
new ArrayList<>().stream().flatMapToDouble(null); //ToInt | ToLong
new ArrayList<>().stream().forEach(null); // performs and action on each element
new ArrayList<>().stream().forEachOrdered(null); // performs action in the encounter order
Stream.generate(null); // returns an infinite unordered stream using the supplier
Stream.iterate(null, null); // returns an infinite ordered provided by f and the seed
new ArrayList<>().stream().limit((Long) null); // return stream containing elements truncated to be no longer that max length
new ArrayList<>().stream().map(null); // returns a stream with the results of applying the given function
new ArrayList<>().stream().mapToDouble(null); // ToInt | ToLong
new ArrayList<>().stream().max(null); // return the maximum element according to the comparator
new ArrayList<>().stream().min(null); // return the minimum element according to the comparator
new ArrayList<>().stream().noneMatch(null); // returns true if NO elements match the predicate
Stream.of(1, 2); // returns a sequential ordered stream of provided elements
Stream.of(1); // returns a sequential stream containing a single element
new ArrayList<>().stream().peek(null);
new ArrayList<>().stream().reduce(null);
new ArrayList<>().stream().reduce(null, null); // accumulator.apply(identity, value) for each element
new ArrayList<>().stream().skip((Long) null); // skips n elements of the stream
new ArrayList<>().stream().sorted(); // sort stream in natural order
new ArrayList<>().stream().sorted(null); // sort stream according to comparator
new ArrayList<>().stream().toArray(); // returns a array of the stream elements
new ArrayList<>().stream().toArray(null); // returns an array containing the elements using the generator as well as any additional arrays required for resizing